In accordance with section 237 (1) of the Companies and Other Businesses Act [Chapter 24:31], NOTICE is hereby given to the Shareholders of Mashonaland Holdings Limited (“Mash”) that ZB Financial Holdings Limited (“ZBFH”), together with its associates ZB Life Assurance Limited and ZB Financial Holdings Group Pension Fund have acquired a control block in Mashonaland Holdings Limited primarily as a result of the share buyback which was carried out by Mash and the subsequent market purchases.

ZBFH will further notify the Shareholders of Mash of its offer to minorities within 60 (sixty) days of this notice.

By order of the Board,

Tinashe F. A. Masiiwa
Group Company Secretary

07 November 2022

ZB Financial Holdings Limited
21 Natal Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe

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