The Audited Results for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 were due for publication on 31 March 2024 and ZB Financial Holdings (ZBFH) will delay the publication of the group results. The delay is due to the need to finalise and conclude the audit of certain account balances for ZB Financial Holdings Limited, arising from IFRS 17 adoption. IFRS 17 adoption mainly affects Insurance components and for ZBFH these comprise ZB Reinsurance Limited and ZB Life Assurance Company.

An extension has been granted by the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) to publish the Audited Results on or before 31 May 2024.

By order of the Board,

T.F.A Masiiwa
Group General Counsel

17 May 2024

ZB Financial Holdings Limited
21 Natal Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe

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  • Tuesday, December 31st, 2024

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